The Four Governments of the UK have agreed a common policy which allows up to three households
to meet up indoors between 23rd and 27th December. This gives every family a choice as to how to
spend their Christmas break. While it is understandable that many will want to meet and celebrate
together, such mixing inevitably brings with it the risk of infection transmission and the more who
choose to mix, the greater the risk of overall infections running out of control in the New Year.
Indeed, given the stalled decrease in infection rates at a national level and the surge of infections in
some areas (notably London and the South-East) if a large proportion of the population were to
choose to take advantage of the 3 household dispensation, there is a very real danger of a third
wave of the pandemic.
In this context, we urge both Government and the public to rethink their approach to the Christmas
break. The responsibility of the Government is to explain clearly the risks involved in different
courses of action and to provide the support necessary for people to make the choices that will best
protect themselves, their families and their community.